Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The FLORA-da Project

- A collage heralding the return of warmer days -
“Flora, Wife of The West Wind, Harbinger of Ample Blooms” Magazine and seed catalog pages, various spray paints, acrylic tube paints under several glazes of Mod Podge on two fused-together smaller canvases (totaling 16 in. x 10 in.) with black enamel contrast edging

*This piece has seen innumerable generations; initially, I wanted to better saturate the florals while adding more of a romantic “painterly” feel. Once a Memorial Day composition, it was further reworked Labor Day 2023 to more effectively define the tree skyline behind left arm's billowing fabric train.
#abstractcollage #surrealart #mixedmediapainting #floragoddess #winteriscomingbutsummerisstillhere