8 in. x 10 in. vintage imagery collage on mounted canvas with titanium white latex paint, Mod Podge, and metallic washi tape side trim in tarnished gold -- a companion piece to "Medallions", below, (and as seen in final slide, pasted to the back of this work's canvas) |
12 in. x 12 in. vintage imagery collage on black canvas with enamel latex paint, Mod Podge, washi tape side trim in patterned bronze & black (late-May 2021) |
"Without even asking the price, Keith Richards slipped the ring straight onto his finger."
- Connoisseur Magazine
#surrealart #oddcollage #modpodge #channelingversace #outrageousfashion #organdonorlove #unusualcharms #goodasgold #keithrichardswasmymuse