Exploring our world through the prism of art, media, antiques, design; working against instincts to deprive my body (having long followed anorexic tendencies); embracing life's quirky facets and beautiful imperfections.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
“Ladies Who Launch (The New Year)”
Friday, November 15, 2024
“Bracing For End-of-Times (i.e. Winter)”
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
"Winged Migration"
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
“Iris, Arise” (Reaction to a series of setbacks for women's liberties, most notably POTUS Election 2024)
Summer concedes to Autumn, but not before she also *reseeds* for her return ascension.
Inevitably, there will always be flowers, beauty, nature’s patient presence. Not everything good can be seen above ground.
Place trust in the future by digging in your heels and fortifying your roots. Blooms NOT gloom!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Cat Rag Doll Customization (A Housesitting Project For Out-of-Town Friends in Brooklyn, NY)
*Because you can't spell "crafts"
...without CATS!
Originally obtained from Anthropologie (yes, they even sell pretty playthings) these two stuffed kittens in the “Quatre Souers Chatons” toy line by Maileg were given a rehaul with the likenesses of Nishi (the blue-eyed female) and Nico (the smoky grey male) whom I was responsible for while their parents, Erica & Jimmy, were in Berlin this past month. Both were simply the color of rather neutral cotton that I coordinated & adapted to each with acrylic paint from Blick Art Materials. Note the two pink & gold washi tape nipples on belly of the girl cat figure — she shows them off in that loose floral skirt!
Friday, September 6, 2024
“Undertow Joan A.K.A. Lucille LeSurf”

What ugly sights of death within mine eyes!
Methought I saw a thousand fearful wracks…”