Online Source For Art, Vintage Raiments, Distinctive Wares
The Story: I have long been a painter and thrift shop habitué, and was raised by family to appreciate vintage fashion, design, and novelties. My first experiences as a buyer and seller were in early 2008 when I signed-in to a then-fledging auction database called eBay. Friends have prodded me for years to open my own store for art and antiques, and very possibly the elaborate and thoughtful custom gift wrapping I dabble in. If I could, I would also work as an online flower arranger ...but technology is going restrict me there. In recent years I have concentrated more seriously on creating work to fulfill an art series called "Just Desserts", featuring still-life renderings of iconic American novelty foods. I also enjoy photography and may use this site as a means for extending my perspective, which often delves towards dark humor. I eagerly accept suggestions and custom orders if feasible. I indulge in a range of styles, both realistic and abstract, and am confident employing acrylics, latex house paints, watercolors, pencil, marker, spray paint, and beyond. I will likely focus on selling older material goods rather than my own work, but we'll see where things lead. Best wishes and gratitude for this overdue opportunity to express myself.

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