Pity poor Cathy, Garfield, Dagwood, Nate, Earl, Adam, Jeremy, Curtis, and cadets of Camp Swampy -- seized by one of the most curious, debilitating mental-medical conditions. Herewith, a meandering slideshow of cartoon cells, lifted selectively over a period of at first months -- then years -- from the sunny pages of sundry Sunday serials. Arranged to depict the courses of disordered eating -- as marked by self-starvation, manic exercise, isolation, and depression -- from origin to apex, treatment to recovery. The ultimate lesson? When it comes to retooling our bodies, be advised to take caution with what you wish for. A selective eater may believe he or she yields control -- but, like every obsession, a diet can inflate and expand, consuming one's entire world -- changing, even scarring, it irreparably. Best to educate yourself, lest you become beset by anorexia, orthorexia, bulimia, or addiction to off-setting food with physical activity. If it can happen to Fred Basset -- or beagle Snoopy and other 'Peanuts' alumn -- then surely isn't anyone culpable?
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In the beginning... FOOD IS FUN, and innocently consumed without judgement (with emphasis on flavor). But even as children we absorb the concerns of those in our vicinity -- and a CULTURE OF CAREER DIETERS influences many to grow to perceive FAT as a "four-letter-word." What's more, weight loss is espoused as a VIRTUE by most western nations, and encouraged despite (or in reaction to) mass-consumption of fast, ready-made "convenience" eats.
Based on MEDIA CUES AND COMPARISONS, new health standards are explored, considered, EXPERIMENTED with. ANXIETY OVER APPEARANCE increases. Friends and family innocently suggest lifestyle changes -- some others BLATANTLY TEASE -- leading to self-shaming and guilt. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE RITUALS and time-consuming, circuitous daily errands compromise normal activities.

The "solution": adherence to EXERCISE + CURBED INTAKE.
An increasingly INFLEXIBLE, RESTRICTED, DELUSIVE MEAL PATTERN becomes primary focus, interfering with normal activities -- as does avoidance of heavier fare typical of social events.
One's own worst enemy -- SLAVE and MASTER.
PRONOUNCED PHYSICAL DECLINE, as characterized by drained reserves -- the body in literal collapse.

ACKNOWLEDGING THERE IS A PROBLEM -- with clinicians called in.

All come to agree that the health restoration requires ASSISTANCE within a MONITORED ENVIRONMENT. (Whether insurance and work schedules cooperate is a different matter.) Many in this dilemma enter onto a long waitlist.
Ultimately, employers are informed of a leave of absence and costly inpatient treatment is entered. There, SUPERVISED EATING, RESTRICTED MOVEMENT, and REST are enforced, with trust slowly established between more compliant patients and caregivers.
INPATIENT LIFE provides structured, regular meals -- along with imposed, painfully awkward THERAPY SESSIONS (at times with family). Recovery is seen as a carefully navigated journey.

"Refeeding" is managed with a well-informed support-staff -- who maintain close-supervision of calorie intake. (An overwhelming process, but energy reserves soon rally, coupled with INSATIABLE HUNGER.)
Post-hospitalization sees GROWTH & GIVING BACK - Apologies made - Stronger resistance to unnecessary exercising/dieting opportunities presented by peers.
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