Sunday, August 11, 2019

Mixed Media Abstract Art: Project no. 5

“Unnamed Art For An Unnamed Boy” - painting and collage assembled while my sister was in labor with my second nephew 3,110 miles away in Portsmouth, England - acrylic paint and magazine paper + Modge Podge on 15” x 30” canvas (July 18, 2019)

Mixed Media Abstract Art: Project no. 4

23 1/2” x 18” geometric painting with shredded paper collage detail - spray paint, acrylic & latex house paint, torn magazine pages on stretched canvas (August 2019)

Mixed Media Abstract Art: Project no. 3

24” x 18” untitled mixed-media abstract painting (acrylic paint, latex house paint, spray paint, paper, Modge Podge), late-June 2019

Mixed Media Abstract Art: Project no. 2

Companion pieces: matching 11” x 14” and 24” x 15” untitled abstract paintings (acrylic paint, latex house paint), July 2019 - the white “lightning” is reflective

24” x 15” Untitled abstract painting (acrylic paint, latex house paint), July 2019
- angled -

11” x 14” Untitled abstract painting (acrylic paint, latex house paint), July 2019 
- angled -

Mixed Media Abstract Art: Project no. 1

Collage of various materials measuring 28” x 11” on two twin canvas frames hot-glued together (comprising of paper, spray paint, acrylic paint, sequins, smashed plastic car taillights from local sidewalks, ModPodge)

Portrait of a Lady (my gift to her parents)

Marvel Monroe at 6 months (9” x 11 1/2” on tinted paper with pencil) May 2019 
-- and the same child aged 4 and 9 months (below)


“Oats For Women” - 8" x 16" surreal mixed-media collage of magazine paper, acrylic latex house paint in light yellow & glossy black enamel, spray-paint, raw oatmeal, Modge Podge, November 2017 (upper collage detail added June 2019)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Revisiting Past Artwork: Part VI

“Speleothems, Regmaglypts, Oolitic Black Hematite, Micaceous Iron Oxide (and Other Formations) Beneath the Drooling Ooze in the Secret Cave of Crystals” - 3’ x 4’ abstract canvas (March/April 2018 + resin added August 2018) - latex house paints, black enamel, chalkboard paint, color acrylics, spray-paint, sequins of various size & sheen, and the broken plastic shards gathered off a lawn near a rear-end car crash

Revisiting Past Artwork: Part V

“Encrusted, Clustered, Clotted & Mottled Colors of Weeping, Seeping Sequin Splendor” - latex & spray-paint, sequins, and smashed vehicle taillights found along the roadside affixed using Modge Podge & hard resin on 18” x 24” (July + August 2018)